The museum

The stunning collection of old agricultural machines in this museum has once been assembled by the gardener Ben Buter who later gave his collection to the historic association of Harenkarspel. Piet Blanckendaell (a friend of Ben’s) had a museum built in the Van Blanckendaell zoo specifically for this collection. This museum is managed by the historic association which has steadily expanded the collection over the years.

Harenkarspel in pictures

On the information panels – which the visitors can operate themselves – numerous old photos and videos of every village, district and hamlet of the former municipality of Harenkarspel can be viewed. 

20 April 2020

What is this?

Our museum contains hundreds of interesting agricultural and household objects. We show one here every week. Click the “Read more” button for an explanation of what this item used to be used for and how it works. Have fun with it!

Read more


In the museum there is a lot to do: from maintenance work on tools to the installment of exhibitions, the reception of visitors and giving guided tours. 

Are you looking for a nice hobby which lets you connect with various people and do you want to be involved with the museum for a few hours a month on a voluntary basis? 

Then send an e-mail to

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